Sunday, December 5, 2010

Advent Conspiracy

Sometimes it's weird how things come together. Less than 24 hours after my last post (about giving fewer gifts and spending a little less this season), I found myself sitting in Church with Beth listening to a presentation about Advent Conspiracy. This is a movement that asks us to spend a little less on material gifts this year and donate the money to a better cause.

The presentation said this: each year, Americans spend $450 billion on Christmas. The cost to drill enough fresh water wells to solve the world's water problems would be $10 billion.

So the congregation was challenged to buy just one less gift this year, and instead use the money to support the Advent Conspiracy movement.  Here is a link to the website if you're interested: I hope that you check it out and feel moved to "Give Presence" this season!

See, it's not so revolutionary! Just remember to KISS (keep it simple stupid).

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